Rashtriya Sadbhavana Yatra, Uttarakhand

उत्तराखंड सद्भावना यात्रा समिति/राजीव गांधी फाउन्डेशन एवं उत्तराखंड सर्वोदय मण्डल द्वारा आयोजित सामाजिक धार्मिक एकता वह समन्वय के लिए उत्तराखंड में सद्भावना यात्रा का आयोजन किया।
हल्द्वानी से प्रारंभ होकर 45 दिनों में, 4960 किलोमीटर की यात्रा, 200 से अधिक सद्भावना सभाओं, सांस्कृतिक जलूसों, नुक्कड़ सभाओ एवं कार्यकर्मों में लगभग 10,000 लोगों ने भाग लिया एवं उनसे संवाद किया गया।
R-SKILL Children’s Visit to Bharatpur Sanctuary and Karauli – Learning and Experiences

Children associated with the Foundation’s SKILL Lab visited Bharatpur Sanctuary and Karauli in February, 2020. The main purpose of the trip was to experience nature closely, look at the animals and migratory birds they have been learning about in schools and Wonderoom fun science sessions.They also got an opportunity to interact with children living in rural areas and exchanged their experiences with each other.
Making Films on Smartphones – A Workshop for Wonderoom Children

A workshop was organized for adolescent boys and girls to learn how to make films on smartphones. Young adults today have a lot to share. Opinions, views and experiences! It is therefore important to channelize their abilities in a useful manner. More importantly with so much exposure and easy access to the vast social media, it is important that children are sensitive to the issues of gender, religion, caste and social equality.
Graphic Facilitation Workshop

I-Parliament Session 7

I-Parliament is an initiative that brings together students from schools across India to discuss, debate, design and enact law in a simulated parliamentary session. I- Parliament is conceived, developed and executed by school students, for school students and backed up by an expert mentor institution, which helps in planning and executing the sessions and the mission of I-Parliament. The I-Parliament had its first session in April 2016 and has now completed seven sessions. I-Parliament Session 7 was organized from August 8th to August 11th, 2019.